Quarantine Watch #680: The Last Blockbuster (2020)

I remember the day my Blockbuster closed. As a kid Blockbuster was my favorite place to go. It was a part of who I was. I also have films I fell in love with because I saw the artwork on the box in the middle of the aisle. The profile on the company is an interesting thing to examine because in the 90s the idea of there not being any Blockbusters anywhere felt like an insane idea. I bet it would be a cool place to work at if you were a teenager growing up in Bend, OR nowadays. The way it is made is a little sloppy and the tone reminded me a lot of Netflix’s THE TOYS [MOVIES] THAT MADE US (not in a bad way), but there is a lot of heart in here. Watching the film really made me feel like that little kid again because I remember what that box feels like in your hand and how the places smell. Overall it was a fun movie that is short, but doesn’t feel like it.
